What is District Heating?

A district heating scheme comprises a network of insulated pipes used to deliver heat in the form of hot water from the green bioenergy parks to the end user.

The heat from the DH water is transferred via a heat exchanger box to the premises without mixing the water. Providing central heating & hot water.

The Benefits

  • Cheaper, Green & Clean Heat – You are only charged for the heat you use, no energy waste or losses from burning oil and gas or from storage of hot water in tanks. No need for immersions to heat water.
  • Reduction of fossil fuel based emissions in towns from individual houses and businesses.
  • No Carbon Tax
  • Sustainable and Affordable
District Heating  (Image Credit: www.livingenergy.co.nz )

District Heating (Image Credit: www.livingenergy.co.nz )

What is District Heating (DH)

A district heating scheme comprises a network of insulated pipes used to deliver heat in the form of hot water from the green bioenergy parks to the end user. The heat from the DH water is transferred via a heat exchanger box to the premises without mixing the water. Providing central heating & hot water.

District Heating Box – Exchanges the Heat from the DH piped water to your building
Transferring the heat to your central heating system & hot water taps.

A district heating exchanger typically contains the following parts:

